2024-2025 Head of School

2024-2025 HEAD OF SCHOOL

Mr. Everett Buyarski, a native of Juneau, Alaska, graduated from Gonzaga University with a degree in Philosophy after spending two (2) years in the college seminary and is currently working on a Master's degree in Classical Education Leadership from Benedictine College. He began his career teaching at what is now known as St. John Bosco Academy in rural northern Idaho before taking a position as Academic Services Director with Kolbe Academy in 2008. In his fifteen (15) years with Kolbe Academy, he was responsible for curriculum development, academic advising, college counseling, school partnerships, and accreditation. He has assisted in the founding of eight (8) classical schools across the country. In addition to serving in his administrative roles, Mr. Buyarski has taught theology, science, and mathematics, and spent seven (7) years as a high school volleyball coach. 

He and his wife, Melissa, were married in 2007 and have five (5) sons. They moved from northern California in 2021 to join the Holy Family Cathedral and Classical School community. Mr. Buyarski is currently an aspirant in the diaconate formation program for the Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma.

Mr. Buyarski is passionate about the mission of classical, Catholic education with the goal of forming students in wisdom, virtue, and pursuit of truth so they can fulfill their God-given purpose in this life, and grow in holiness and relationship with God their Father, Jesus Christ their Lord, and the Holy Spirit, their Advocate.

Saint Katherine Drexel, pray for us.

Read Fr. Kastl's announcement about Mr. Buyarski's appointment here. 

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