Educating the whole person: Wisdom & Virtue

What do we do at Holy Family Classical School? First and foremost, we form Christian disciples. A disciple is a student, specifically a student of a teacher. Being a disciple of Christ means following his commandments, and He told us that we should “love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength,” and “love your neighbor as yourself.” At the very end of His time on earth, he then gave us the Great Commission, to go and “make disciples of all nations.” When we say that we’re forming Christian disciples, we want to form students who love the Lord, love their neighbors, and love themselves, so that they can be prepared to go forth and make disciples of all nations. This is the fundamental mission of the Church, and as the largest ministry of the parish, the fundamental mission of this school.




Mr. Everett Buyarski

Head of School

Mrs. Summer Fuentes

Assistant Head of School

Very Rev. Brian O’Brien

President of the School

Rector of the Cathedral

Rev. Joshua Votruba


What are people saying about Holy Family Classical School?

“It is a wonderful privilege to study with such intelligent professors and interact with great books, Scripture, and Tradition that have truly withstood the test of time. It naturally inspires a love of learning and pursuit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.”

Julia Thomas

Class of 2024

The main thing that drew me to work at Holy Family Classical School for my first full-time job out of college over other options was simply being able to work alongside a faculty and administration that is committed and devoted towards forming Christian disciples as a Catholic School. I have been invited to become the 6th grade homeroom teacher and, more importantly, a minister of the Lord to my students, encouraging them to follow Christ, know Christ, and love Christ through my lessons. This job was an opportunity I could not pass up.

Sam Alaback


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