Grades PK-3: Daily Uniform (Students may always wear their dress uniform)

*Available from C&J School Uniforms
Grades PK-3: Dress Day Uniform (Mass, Adoration, special occasions)

*Available from C&J School Uniforms
Grades 4-8: Daily Uniform (Students may always wear their dress uniform)

*Available from C&J School Uniforms
Grades 4-8: Dress Day Uniform (Mass, Adoration, special occasions)

*Available from C&J School Uniforms
Grades 9-12: Daily Uniform (Students may always wear their dress uniform)

*Available from C&J School Uniforms
Grades 9-12: Dress Day Uniform (Mass, Adoration, special occasions)

*Available from C&J School Uniforms
PE Uniforms
Holy Family Classical School PE uniforms may be ordered through The Schooleys and consists of a Holy Family Classical School logoed t-shirt and uniform shorts or sweatpants. For ladies, a skort with knee-length leggings can be worn in lieu of uniform shorts or sweatpants.
- Grades PK-3rd ONLY tennis shoes are required.
- Grades 4th & 5th ONLY tennis shoes and uniform shorts/sweatpants are required.
- Grades 6th – 12th tennis shoes, logoed T–shirt and uniform shorts/sweatpants are required.
Uniform Approved Outerwear
Holy Family Classical School uniform approved outerwear may be ordered through The Schooleys, including fleece jackets, soft shell jackets, and performance pullovers. Approved outerwear may be worn over uniform shirts in the classroom but may not be worn to mass. Students may wear other spirit outerwear on the playground and before or after school but should not wear it in the classroom or to mass. Uniform approved outerwear also includes black jackets with the embroidered logo purchased from prior vendors.
Dress Code
The purpose of the dress code is to form students in the fundamentals of what it means to present one’s outward form in a manner which accords with the dignity of the human person who is made in the image and likeness of God.
- Hair must be neatly maintained and styled in a manner which does not create a distraction for others.
- Simple and modestly styled hair accessories may be worn by young ladies if they are solid burgundy, gold, gray, white, green, or uniform plaid (plaid 43).
- Jewelry that is modest, simple, or reverent in style, size, and quantity may be worn. Earrings must be simple and small in size for safety reasons.
- Young men are required to maintain a clean-shaven look through the last day of 10th Grade. Beginning on the first day of 11th Grade, young men may wear facial hair, provided it is short to the eye and well-groomed daily.
- Young ladies’ skirts or jumpers must be hemmed so that the bottom of the skirt or jumper comes to the knee.
- Shoes should be free of any colored stitching or details and any logo present should be in a color that matches the rest of the shoe so as not to be distinguishable.
Grades PK-3: Daily Uniform (Students may always wear their dress uniform)
*Available from C&J School Uniforms
Grades PK-3: Dress Day Uniform (Mass, Adoration, special occasions)
*Available from C&J School Uniforms
Grades 4-8: Daily Uniform (Students may always wear their dress uniform)
*Available from C&J School Uniforms
Grades 4-8: Dress Day Uniform (Mass, Adoration, special occasions)
*Available from C&J School Uniforms
Grades 9-12: Daily Uniform (Students may always wear their dress uniform)
*Available from C&J School Uniforms
Grades 9-12: Dress Day Uniform (Mass, Adoration, special occasions)
*Available from C&J School Uniforms
PE Uniforms
Holy Family Classical School PE uniforms may be ordered through The Schooleys and consists of a Holy Family Classical School logoed t-shirt and uniform shorts or sweatpants. For ladies, a skort with knee-length leggings can be worn in lieu of uniform shorts or sweatpants.
- Grades PK-3rd ONLY tennis shoes are required.
- Grades 4th & 5th ONLY tennis shoes and uniform shorts/sweatpants are required.
- Grades 6th – 12th tennis shoes, logoed T–shirt and uniform shorts/sweatpants are required.
Uniform Approved Outerwear
Holy Family Classical School uniform approved outerwear may be ordered through The Schooleys, including fleece jackets, soft shell jackets, and performance pullovers. Approved outerwear may be worn over uniform shirts in the classroom but may not be worn to mass. Students may wear other spirit outerwear on the playground and before or after school but should not wear it in the classroom or to mass. Uniform approved outerwear also includes black jackets with the embroidered logo purchased from prior vendors.
Dress Code
The purpose of the dress code is to form students in the fundamentals of what it means to present one’s outward form in a manner which accords with the dignity of the human person who is made in the image and likeness of God.
- Hair must be neatly maintained and styled in a manner which does not create a distraction for others.
- Simple and modestly styled hair accessories may be worn by young ladies if they are solid burgundy, gold, gray, white, green, or uniform plaid (plaid 43).
- Jewelry that is modest, simple, or reverent in style, size, and quantity may be worn. Earrings must be simple and small in size for safety reasons.
- Young men are required to maintain a clean-shaven look through the last day of 10th Grade. Beginning on the first day of 11th Grade, young men may wear facial hair, provided it is short to the eye and well-groomed daily.
- Young ladies’ skirts or jumpers must be hemmed so that the bottom of the skirt or jumper comes to the knee.
- Shoes should be free of any colored stitching or details and any logo present should be in a color that matches the rest of the shoe so as not to be distinguishable.